Its been awhile since my last portrait drawing. I decided to make a self portrait of one of my favorite pictures. Its me at 5 years of age. This drawing was done using graphite pencil HB, 2B and 4B for dark accents. The paper I used is Strathmore drawing premium recycled medium surface paper, 18×24 in, 400 series.
The method I used to create my self portrait was the block-in approach with comparative measurement. It took 30 to 40 hours to complete. No tracing, no projections nor grid system was employed. Exclusively classical drawing technique. Ive been constantly drawing, developing my hand and eye since Hartford Art School.

Michael A. Cooley, Michael Age 5, 2012, Graphite
Instead of using my digital camera for this image, I had it scanned professionally at 600 dpi. Of course I had to adjust the contrast with curves using Photoshop. I think I will rescan all of my previous drawings and repost.
take care,