I recently finished a cast drawing of Michelangelo’s Ear of David. In the previous cast drawing I made which was Michelangelo’s Lips of David, I worked rather quickly. This time I decided to take my time and really study the many subtle nuanced value shifts and render them as I saw them. It took quite a bit longer than the Lips of David cast but I’m happier with the results. I am now working on one titled Female Hand. It is a beautiful piece. I get most of my casts from Guist Gallery. I am presently in the beginning block-in stage of the drawing and am pretty excited, enjoying the process.

Michael a. Cooley, Michelangelo’s Ear of David, 2013, Graphite.
Well, I am working on more medical illustration paintings today and will be teaching this evening. I will be working on the Female Hand drawing this week along with a fruit and vegetable still life painting.
Until next time,